m a c r o c a r d i a

m a c r o c a r d i a

audio-visual installation: text, video 4K 7’53’’, objects (cardboard egg shells, wirings, piezo microphones, mixer), sound 48’00''

Work is about how the increasing mediation and the total use of digital means of communication affects the inner, innermost, about changing of sensitive regime, of the moment of transition from inner to outer and Vice versa.
During the period of self-isolation, the problems of  language insufficient, limits of digital devices and the pressure of interaction algorithms became strongly distinct. As a compensation and overcoming of remoteness and digital mediation, there is an expansion of the physiological, intimate, and sensual-that which is not heard from the outside and is still inherent only in humans.
The work is based on repeated internal chanting of a poetry in the simple refrain song form referring to language, ritual, voice, through which the personal is connected with the collective experience. The text is performed three times: printed on a banner (or wall), in sign language in a video, in the audio installation via smartphones broadcast.
The installation is built as a system of references in the field of the unconscious, beyond the language borders which appeals to the sensority and feelings of the viewers.
The work is adapted for hearing-impaired people.