Dasha Golden Darkness

Dasha Golden Darkness

All of us have played with toy cubes at some point in childhood. Certainly everyone has built pyramids, houses and cities to create a personal space or a new reality. Everyone has discovered the world through these toy cubes when making up words with the letters and studying the images printed on the sides. Sometimes, simply moving one cube could change the whole meaning. Such a basic action could then change a word, producing a new perception therefore change the world around.
However, this magical notion stays forever in childhood... 
My self-published project «Dasha Golden Darkness» speaks about the influences of the adult world on a teenage girl Dasha from Saint Petersburg, also known by her nick name «Golden Darkness». It seems to me this charismatic girl is a collection of the most typical teenage traits. She is well matured physically; she wants to be a super star and travel to far away places, loves anime films and gives lots of online time to social networks. Her dream gift is an i-phone.
The cube is a combination of postcards: with my photographs, Dasha’s drawings, some screenshots taken from her social network page and Dasha’s comments about herself on the other sides of postcards. One of the postcards displays the manual to construct the cube. It can be easily dismantled and stored in a pile.  The final part is a “Celebrity poster” inside of the cube.
The project underlines the step  process of getting to know a person through uncovering the images and deconstructing the shape of a cube. A viewer takes on a role of a researcher of a human personality. He can pick up the cube, take it apart and look at every piece individually as well as compare different images and fix them back together changing the order and therefore generate perceptional variety.
Through a child like experience the audience then offered the opportunity to give a new meaning to reality, and therefore open up to new emotions when exploring this inner universe wrapped in a children’s toy.