Behind the event horizon

Behind the event horizon

     performative practice and installation (video 1’33’’, transparent sheets, water vessel, soluble paper, pen)

     On a several occasions I went to a riverbank and asked random passers by if they have something to write on a piece of dissolving paper- something important, something they carry around unexpressed. Then I asked for their permission to take snap shots of their letters as a part of the project documentation. Then they turn that piece of paper into a paper boat, put it into the water stream and watch it immidiatly dissolve.
Endless internal transformed in an infinite external through the word…
     The exhibition presents copies of the dissolved letters printed on transparent film and video documentation. From disparate fragments of personal develops the very horizon of events that separates the general field of feeling of the present moment, consciousness ‘here’ and ‘now’, from the dream - unattainable ‘nowhere’ and ‘out of time’ in which human laws, rules do not apply.
     Viewers could also write on water-soluble paper their thoughts and dissolve their boat in a large vessel of water.
     The work was carried out in Moscow (as part of the parallel program of the VI Moscow Biennale), as well as in St. Petersburg within the framework of the exhibition-marathon «Interventions. Act according to the rules and without» in The General staff of the state Hermitage.